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Trigger Warning Film

Trigger Warning: Review and Release Date

Concise News Lead:

"Trigger Warning," starring Jessica Alba as a skilled Special Forces commando, is set to hit Netflix on June 21. The action thriller marks Mouly Surya's English-language directorial debut.


Opening Chase Sequence:

Despite its promising premise, "Trigger Warning" stumbles out of the gate with a disjointed opening chase sequence that fails to generate urgency.

Jessica Alba's Performance:

Alba delivers a capable performance as the film's lead, but her character lacks depth and complexity. The supporting cast, including Mark Webber, Anthony Michael Hall, and Alejandro De Hoyos, also provide serviceable performances.

Overall Impression:

"Trigger Warning" is a mediocre action thriller that fails to live up to its potential. Its uninspired storytelling and lack of character development leave much to be desired.
